In a devastating incident on Christmas Eve, two lorry drivers lost their lives in a crash near the Snitterby junction on the A15 in Lincolnshire.
The collision occurred just after 9:30 am and involved a Volvo lorry, a Scania lorry, and a car.
Lincolnshire Police confirmed that the drivers, both 51 years old, were from the Barnsley area in South Yorkshire and Cleethorpes in northeast Lincolnshire, respectively.
A police spokesperson shared, “The A15 north of Caenby Corner has been closed following a collision reported to us at 9.33am today (24 December).
“The collision is believed to have taken place close to the Snitterby junction and involved two lorries and a car.
“Motorists should avoid the area where possible and the road is likely to be closed for some time.”
The statement added: ‘Sadly, the drivers of both lorries were pronounced dead at the scene.’
The A15 remains closed, with authorities urging motorists to avoid the area. The road is expected to be shut for several hours as investigations continue.