Inspector Charles Ehikioya, head of the Metropolitan Police’s Black Police Association (MBPA), is facing allegations of involvement in a WhatsApp group chat that shared “racist” jokes, misogynistic content, and offensive videos, a misconduct hearing has revealed. Among the content shared was a video mocking Katie Price’s disabled son, Harvey, and jokes targeting East Asian individuals.
The misconduct hearing at Palestra House in London heard claims that between 2017 and 2020, over 7,000 messages were exchanged in a chat involving Ehikioya and former officer Carlo Francisco. These messages reportedly included inappropriate jokes, videos, and pornographic material. If the allegations are proven, Ehikioya could face dismissal from the force.
Allegations of Offensive Content
The panel was told that Francisco shared a video of a man wearing a mask of Harvey Price’s face while snorting white powder, accompanied by mocking commentary. The content also included a video ridiculing a Korean woman’s pronunciation of Coca-Cola and several explicit and graphic images.
Ehikioya is also accused of failing to report these messages. In one instance, he allegedly sent a message featuring a photo of Hugh Hefner with the caption, “Message from the other side, tell the Muslims there’s no 72 virgins left.”
Ehikioya Denies Involvement
Inspector Ehikioya has denied all allegations, asserting that the messages were fabricated or falsely attributed to him due to his race and position as MBPA chair. His defense argues he neither sent nor received the offensive messages.
The panel also reviewed a 2019 message in which Ehikioya allegedly warned Francisco to stop sharing explicit content, to which Francisco responded with a joke claiming it was an April Fools’ prank.
Background and Previous Allegations
Former officer Carlo Francisco has already been found guilty of gross misconduct in 2023 for sharing offensive content about Harvey Price in another chat. The case prompted Katie Price to speak out, describing her shock and disappointment over the offensive remarks directed at her son, who has Prader-Willi syndrome and autism.
The misconduct hearing is expected to conclude by 10 January, with Ehikioya currently placed on restricted duties.