Gloucestershire Police will raise the police portion of council tax by 4.5% starting in April, as the force works to balance its budget.
The increase is part of a proposal approved by the Police and Crime Panel, and it will see the annual police bill for a Band D property rise by £14, from £308 to £322.
The police force’s budget for 2025 is £168 million, with 52% of that funding coming from government grants. However, the remaining £80 million will be covered by local tax, highlighting the ongoing financial pressures facing the force.
Gloucestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Chris Nelson, described the tax hike as a “hard choice” but necessary to meet a £12.3 million savings target for the coming financial year.
Despite the increase in funding from the Home Office, which provides £88 million—an additional £4.5 million from the previous year—the PCC noted that rising inflation and pay costs still leave the force short of its needs.
Although no police officer positions will be cut, the force has already implemented a staff reduction scheme, and further cuts may be inevitable if the financial gap persists.
Nelson also emphasised that the outdated government funding formula and continued pressures on the budget make it necessary to consider hard choices to maintain services and police staffing levels.